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The cross-docking solution

Need to process large volumes of goods from foreign suppliers or factories without using storage?

Our cross-docking solutions simplify the distribution of your shipments to customers, saving you time and money and reducing your environmental impact.

Based on your specifications, a dedicated SMI contact will suggest the most suitable logistics method for your activity, considering your limitations and your goods Your contact will organise your physical flows upstream to our platform by sea and land to despatch orders quickly without storing them.

Complete cross-docking operations

Our solutions cover all stages of cross-docking: unloading of import containers or full trucks receipt of bulk goodsor pallets cargo quality control tracking and sorting by product references repackagingon pallets redistribution by parcel distribution service, groupage and direct delivery to the final customer, all within a very short time frame.

SMI guarantees

▪ Processing speed
▪ Mastered technique
▪ Parcel distribution services, groupage and direct deliveries
▪ Computerised management
▪ Entry/exit traceability
▪ Quality control


24 hours a day, 7 days a week